Naked in the airport – the first few weeks
…so after a great send-off by friends, ma, Mark, Melba and Tucker/Hall folk, I touched down in Panama a little over three weeks ago, and so far it’s been quite an adventure. The trip here went without a hitch, well…except for my ginormous suitcases weighing in at 8 pounds over the limit. I ended up stuffing boxers, shoes and a year’s supply of Rogaine in my carry-on, which all came out at the security check. Something kept the metal detector singing, so they took me to the “Naughty terrorist” room. I’d like to say I was lyin’, but I was actually strip-searched in the Jacksonville airport. It turns out the Gap sews these little metal security tags in their jeans so you can’t walk out the store wearing them. I wish I’d known that before I was standing in my dainties in an airport security room...good times.
My first night was spent at The Hotel California…such a lovely place. It was also my first experience with the Panamanian heat – it’s REALLY hot, and I can’t stop sweating. The lack of a/c isn't too bad - I've just got to strategically place myself under one of the many overhead fans...always. Can't stop sweating...
The next day I met my two Venezuelan roommates, whose “un poquito de English” includes some choice cuss words and whatever they got from American Idol. They’re nice guys studying orthodontics. In my rusty Spanish, I think I agreed to get grillz. Dental work in Latin America...from a couple students...sounds like a great idea. Seriously, my Spanish was pretty bad when I got here. Plus one of my roomies is kind of a mumbler, so it made for an interesting first couple weeks.